Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Flu Season

One of these wonderful children has given me the flu. I will not be posting for a few days. Either I will get better or I will die, at this point I do not much care which. I haven't been sick in a long while. My mother always used to say it was the meanness in me coming out. And she would make chicken noodle soup, and buy 7 Up, and put me to bed with a vaporizor full of Vicks. I miss my Mom. Ack Ack Ack!


Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon. Your site is the first thing I check each day after checking to see if we have an email from our son in Iraq. Hope you are able to get the rest you need.

Amorphous Muse / Shelby said...

thank you - that is so cool. That makes want to keep on writing.

Cowtown Pattie said...

Not just any ole chicken soup, I hope? Surely it is tortilla chicken soup with fresh jalapenos chopped up in it? Opens those snot canals right up!

Sorry you're down ;-(

Don't own any asian chickens, do ya?