Monday, November 21, 2005

I'm Back!

I'm didn't know anyone cared, but thanks Bill. I had grown kids living with me. Now I don't. Finally! It was semi-tramatic, but is now really enjoyable. I have been enjoying the peace and quiet. And clearing a path through my house. The dust bunnies were becoming vicious. Eldest Son has a good job and his own apartment. The Spare has a new girlfriend. So, this might or might not be permenent. I'm sure The Spare will return eventually.

I have a backlog of topics to cover. Not living in a big city, I didn't realize that persons attending NFL games were allowing themselves to be searched - like at the airport - to get into the stadium to watch a football game. That is every stadium except for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. With the assistance from the ACLU, Civics teacher Gordon Johnston filed a law suit seeking a injunction to end the pat down. NFL officials say it is for the protection of the fans. Johnston says it violates the 4th Amendment to the US Constitution. A Florida judge issued an injunction stopping the pat down procedure on October 28. Way to go, Gordon!

1 comment:

Cowtown Pattie said...

Good for you! I still have the stepchillun's, of course, and my house seems to have this swinging door for returning grown chicks...

Gotta find a long nail...