Monday, September 05, 2005

I wish I lived in Texas

If I lived 35 miles to the south I would be a registered voter in Texas. If I was a registered voter in Texas, I would skip the primary, sign the petition, and vote for Kinky Friedman, Texas independent candidate for Governor in Texas. His motto is either "Why the Hell Not?" or "How Hard Can it Be?". If he is elected he will be the first independant elected since Sam Houston. Check out his web site at and I think you will like what you read. We need honest politicians. Vote for Kinky if you can.


Anonymous said...

I agree!! I'm a big Kinky fan, and glad I'm a Texas resident to help him out.

Bill said...

Sometimes I wish I lived in NM. You guys have a real 2-party state. Democrats don't have a chance here in Texas. Kinky probably doesn't either, to be realistic.

Besides you guys have mountains and it stays cooler.