Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Gas Prices and George W.

Wake up people - gas prices are a smoke screen! While you are desperately looking to save 40 cents a gallon, Bush is spending your grandchildren's money in Iraq. And he is making his already rich friends even richer. Declaring he will open up US reserves will do absolutely nothing about gas prices, and will affect the futures market. A fact I am sure his cronies took full advantage of, before the announcement was made.

Bush's latest request of $61 billion for Iraq puts the total tally at $210 billion— and climbing by $5 billion a month. Is Iraq worth that? Not to worry, for you and I aren't paying for it. The Bushites are financing their war by borrowing, mostly from central banks in China, Japan, and Europe.

This means your grandchildren will be paying for W's war long after we are dust to dust. Is this the legacy you intend to leave for your grandchildren? Shock and awe are luring us into a deep sleep, and we will wake up stripped to our skivies wondering what the hell happened.

W and Co. have highjacked America, and we better wake up and get her back!!!!!
America, wake up and stand up!!! Now is the time for all sane men and women to come to the aid of their country.

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