Friday, July 29, 2005

Things Needed in Downtown Carlsbad to Increase Foot traffic

Confectionary / Soda Shoppe (a Carlsbad tradition)
New Book Store / Music Store
Shoe Store (aimed at teens)
Tee Shirt Shop
Souvenir Shop
Used Book Store and Gallery for a seasonal photography display
Another restaurant / luncheteria
Window dressing (something to look at as you pass non-retail sites)
Kiosk - information and directions for walking tour
Accessible ATMs (the Banks are there but people don’t like to go in)
Water fountains
Public Restrooms

Informational signs and photographs that give a small history of previous businesses, and building origins could give the tourists something to read as they walk by, and this will slow down the foot traffic which should increase profits.

Renovation of certain store fronts would return the feel of the area back to a historical ambiance. I loved it when Mickey uncovered the upstairs windows, and you could see the League of Women Voters sign.

Landlords who have empty buildings need to think of all the possibilities. Profits will be more stable when business are allowed to become established and known. Lower rents on a sliding scale for an initial period would allow some of these lower profit businesses to get established; then a graduated increase as profits increase would make sure the landlords receive proper compensation.

Downtown can remain a viable, inviting shopping destination if all concerned cooperate.

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